• On Nex Benedict and Collective Grief

    On Nex Benedict and Collective Grief

    This essay discusses homophobia, transphobia, and violence against LGBTQ+ people. Earlier this month, Nex Benedict, a nonbinary, Native American student in Oklahoma, died after an altercation with schoolmates. The fight was the culmination of over a year of bullying. They were 16 years old. Comparisons have already been made to Matthew Shepherd. The natural question…

  • Bluesky Basics

    Bluesky Basics

    If you are familiar with The Other Place (the website formerly known as Twitter), Bluesky can take a little getting used to. On the surface, the interface is very similar, but some things are just different enough to be confusing at first. I have put together a series of Bluesky How-To’s that range from getting…

  • Review: Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)

    Review: Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)

    This review contains some minor spoilers. Portrait of a Lady on Fire remains the last film I saw in theaters. I saw it there twice: Once in February of 2020, and again on March 1st, several days before we went into pandemic lockdown. I’ve seen it several times since then. It is one of those…

  • Hello again!

    After a brief hiatus, I’m back! You can continue to expect what I was blogging about before: pop culture (book and movie reviews and the like) and what I get up to (during the pandemic, mostly trying out a few new hobbies). I’ve also started a research-focused blog, where I will be sharing my thoughts…

  • Craft Time! Pandemic Edition

    Craft Time! Pandemic Edition

    It has been a while since I was feeling ~crafty~, but a rainy day seemed like the perfect time to pull out my sewing machine and my little bin of fabrics I’ve been accumulating. A couple years ago, I bought a bunch of these crafting squares when they were on sale. (I might have had…

  • Review: Holly by William Aime

    Review: Holly by William Aime

    When I saw that the cover of this book features a giant axe, I was hoping I knew what the title of this murder mystery refers to. Holly is a retelling of (or at least inspired by) the fourteenth-century poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. If you haven’t read it, don’t worry: there is…

  • Adventures in Breadmaking

    Adventures in Breadmaking

    The saying goes that if you’re stuck at home during the pandemic, there’s a 50/50 chance you get into sourdough. I got into sourdough. A quick summary of my breadmaking attempts as of August, 2020. July 19, 2020 Making sourdough bread for the first time. Wish me luck!

  • Garden Phase 1: Operation Onion

    Garden Phase 1: Operation Onion

    I am not an experienced gardener. My experience with growing anything edible before this was limited to basil plants, which I grew for a few years in a row. (More on that another time.) What I learned from that experience was that plants, in general, want to grow. All you have to do is give…

  • So You Want a Worm Bin

    So You Want a Worm Bin

    I recently wrote a post detailing my adventures with a worm bin. Here are some questions I maybe could have asked myself before I leapt straight in.

  • Worm Bin: The Beginning

    Worm Bin: The Beginning

    In early March, I met a friend at her local community garden to help her and her husband plant a vegetable garden in their newly acquired garden plot. I arrived to find them unloading a wheelbarrow full of flats of vegetables and flowers, small packets of seeds, and a Tupperware container of ground egg shells…